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10 phrases, which are often spoken at work to everyone

Correctly chosen words will increase confidence and team spirit. In the specialized literature for managers, it is often written that trust is a motivator that can encourage team members to turn mountains. However, it is not always clear how to introduce this fragile substance into a working relationship. Business coach Marcel Schwantes has proposed 10 phrases, using which you will increase confidence in the team and build relationships with all its members. 1. This is my mistake Open recognition of your mistakes and shortcomings increases trust in you. In general, imperfect people who can stumble are more attractive to us, and ideal ones frighten off. 2. Words do not describe how important is what you did Recognizing by others the complexity of the task greatly increases the motivation of the person. Therefore, we need to show our colleagues from https://customwriting.com/research-papers-for-sale that their contribution to the common cause did not go unnoticed. ...

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